Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion policies

A Safeguarding policy and a Diversity and Inclusion policy are key requirements for the club in order to meet the LTA status of a Registered Venue.

The club aims to ensure that regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic background, all adults and children have a positive and enjoyable experience of tennis at Ridgeway Tennis Club in a safe and inclusive environment.

The Club’s new Welfare Officer is Bernie Highfeld who has reviewed the club’s existing policies and produced up to date versions which have been accepted and approved by the Club’s Managment Committee.  Links below will take you to the policies.  All members should familiarise themselves with them   Copies will be posted in the club pavilion

1.   RidgewayTC- Safeguarding-policy March 2024

2.   Ridgeway-Safeguarding-Policy-Statement-March-2024

3.   Ridgeway Diversity and Inclusion policy