As its Bank Holiday Monday and the weather is set to be good for a change, we are looking to hold a fun morning of tennis on Bank Holiday Monday from 10.30 to around 12.30 to 1.00
Hopefully if there are sufficient numbers, we will run an American doubles tournament. This involves playing really short matches (3 or 5 games) with lots of different partners. There will be some incredibly impressive prizes (Don’t get too excited !) For this to work there needs to be more than eight players, which hopefully we will have. Don’t worry about playing in a tournament, it is just for fun and the prize for coming last is actually better than first I think !!!!
There will be some light refreshments although the pavilion will not be open.
If you think you may be able to come along, can you let Rob Mitchell know either by text to 07939 208421 or email to If on the day you can’t make it that’s fine, but for logistic purposes it would be handy to know a rough number of people to expect.
On a separate note, there is NO junior or adult coaching Monday, as the coach is on holiday. This means the courts will be available all evening. Also, to let you know there will be league mixed matches at the courts for the next four weeks therefore the Tuesday Social evening will not be run. There will however continue to be a social session on Thursday evening and Sunday Morning.
Hope you can make it on Monday if you are free.
The usual Covid rules on social distancing and safety will still apply.