Finals Day results and report

The Club finals day was very successful on Sunday the 12th.  Four finals were played with the Men’s Doubles final being postponed due to injury to Cliff Andrews.

There were a lot of spectators there enjoying the tennis and the refreshments. The results were as follows:

Ladies singles:  Winner Lucy Mitchell who beat Lindy Payling by 6-0, 6-2

Men’s Singles:  Winner: Glyn Rudge who beat Rob Mitchell by 6-3, 6-3

Ladies Doubles: Winners: Vicky Hukin and Lindy Payling who beat Lucy Mitchell and Bernie Highfield by 6-2, 6-4

Mixed Doubles: Winners: Keith Hukin and Lucy Mitchell who beat Mark Firth and Lindy Payling  6-4, 6-3

Congratulations to the winners of course but well done to the runners-up too.. Big thank you to Mel Wright for organising the tournaments and to the ladies Wendy, Sheila, Judy and Mel who sorted out the refeshments.  Thanks to everyone who competed in the tournaments throughout the summer and, for those who didn’t win, this year, here’s to next year.

The trophies will be formally presented on Friday the 15th October 2021 when we will be having out usual quiz and pea and pie evening in the newly re-furbished Sports and Social Club’s Memorial Hall. Full details will shortly be sent to members.