Ridgeway men’s team lost its latest match at Barnsley on Saturday by 4-5 on rubbers even though when the scores were added Ridgeway had won one more game and sets were tied. In the first round of matches Steve and Dave Bramhall lost to the first Barnsley pair by 4-6, 4-6, Glyn Rudge and Tim Robinson lost to the second pair by 2-6, 2-6 but John Firth and Jarek Doroszko beat the thirds by 7-5, 6-1. Barnsley were 2-1 up. In the second round of matches Steve and Dave beat the thirds by 7-6, 6-2 while Glyn and Tim lost to the firsts by 1-6, 3-6 and John and Jarek beat the seconds by 6-3, 6-2. That evened the match up at 3 rubbers each. In the final round Steve and Dave lost to the seconds by 1-6, 6-2 and then lost the deciding tie break. Glyn and Tim beat the thirds by 6-2, 6-3 but John and Jarek lost to the firsts by 3-6, 4-6. Such a close match with the final scores: Rubbers 4-5, Sets: 9-9 and Games 81-80.