Works League teams in defeats

On the 10th July both Works League teams were in action but it was a double defeat with the A team losing in the Cup Knock Out semi-final at Stocksbridge A by 1-3 and the B team suffering a 0-4 defeat to Swinden House at Ridgeway.

At Stocksbridge John Firtha dn Jamie Macefield had two very close rubbers with both going to three sets.  Against the first couple John and Jamie lost by 6-3, 3-6, 6-5 but beat the seconds by 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.  Ben Kay and Lindy Payling lost 2-6, 3-6 to the seconds and by 1-6, 1-6 to the firsts. Total match score: Rubbers 1-3, Sets 3-7, Games 337-50.

At Ridgeway the Jack Lee and John Hallgarth lost to the first pair by 4-9 and then by 2-9 to the seconds whilst Cliff Andrews and Jarek Doroszko lost by 3-9 and then ny 7-9.  Final score Rubbers 0-4, Sets 0-4 Games 16-36.