The Works League season kicked off their season on the 24th April and it was a double defeta for the two teams. The A team, back in Division 1 were in action at Moorgate A whilst the B team hosted Stocksbridge B at Ridgeway. The A team, which lost by 0-4 comprised John Firth and Harvey Marsh and Danny Lidster and Matt Metcalfe. John and Harvey lost both rubbers by 7-9 whilst Danny and Matt lost by 3-9 a,d 4-9. Ta narrow defeat and lost on a games countback of 30 games to 33 after rubbers were shared at 2-2. Jasper Patel and Jarek Doroszko won their two rubbers by 9-7 and 9-8 whilst Ben Kay and Lindy Payling lost theirs by 8-9 and 4-9.